Can Thyroid Dysfunction Impact Sleep?

  1. Hyperthyroidism: Causes sleeping difficulties due to nervousness, irritability, and muscle weakness, along with night sweats and frequent urination.

  2. Hypothyroidism: Leads to trouble tolerating cold, joint pain, hypersomnia, restless leg syndrome (RLS), and night terrors, affecting sleep quality.

  3. Risk Factors: Younger individuals, those with low body mass index, and women are at higher risk, while inadequate sleep duration may increase susceptibility to thyroid dysfunction.

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Sleep can undoubtedly be affected by thyroid disorders. Hormones that control numerous bodily processes, including sleep, are produced by the thyroid gland. Irregular thyroid function can result in symptoms such as insomnia, agitated sleep, or excessive daytime sleepiness. This is due to the fact that thyroid hormones influence sleep patterns by regulating the body’s metabolism and energy levels.

Hello JanVi

Thank you for pointing out how thyroid disorders can affect sleep. It’s important to understand that thyroid hormones play a key role in regulating many bodily functions, including sleep patterns.