Do's for Dealing with Extreme Weather Events and Health

Stay Informed: Keep track of weather forecasts and warnings issued by local authorities. Stay updated on any advisories or evacuation orders.

Prepare an Emergency Kit: Have an emergency kit ready with essential supplies including water, non-perishable food, medications, flashlight, batteries, and a first aid kit.

Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water, especially during heatwaves, to prevent dehydration. Avoid excessive caffeine and alcohol consumption, as they can contribute to dehydration.

Seek Shelter: During extreme weather events, seek shelter indoors in a safe and secure location. Follow evacuation orders if issued by authorities.

Protect Yourself from Heat: If temperatures are high, stay indoors in air-conditioned spaces as much as possible. Wear lightweight, light-colored clothing and use fans or air conditioners to cool down.

Monitor Air Quality: Pay attention to air quality alerts, especially during wildfires or pollution events. Stay indoors and use air purifiers if air quality is poor.

Check on Vulnerable Individuals: Reach out to elderly neighbors, individuals with chronic illnesses, and those living alone to ensure they are safe and have the support they need.