How Are Congenital Heart Defects Treated?

The treatment for congenital heart defects depends on the type and severity of the defect. Options may include:

  • Medications: To help the heart work more efficiently, control symptoms, and prevent complications.
  • Catheter-Based Procedures: Minimally invasive procedures to repair certain heart defects without the need for open-heart surgery. For example, a catheter can be used to close a hole in the heart or widen a narrowed valve.
  • Surgery: Open-heart surgery may be necessary to repair more complex defects or replace defective heart valves.
  • Heart Transplant: In severe cases where the heart is too damaged to be repaired, a heart transplant may be considered.
  • Ongoing Care: Regular follow-up with a cardiologist, lifestyle modifications, and possibly additional surgeries or treatments over time. Treatment aims to improve the heart’s function, relieve symptoms, and prevent complications. With advances in medical care, many individuals with congenital heart defects can lead active and healthy lives.