How Can It Be Diagnosed in Pheochromocytoma?

The healthcare provider will consider taking health history and doing physical examination. The tests usually done are,

  • Blood and Urine Tests - These tests measure the hormone levels. Genetic testing is done to check whether a person has a genetic condition or not that may increase the risk.
  • CT Scan - This test uses X-rays and computer technology to take detailed 3-D images of the body.
  • MRI - In this test, large magnets, radio waves, and a computer are used to make 3-D images of the organs and structures within the body.
  • Radioisotope Scan - In this test, radioactive substances are given inside the body to get an image of the tumor. The radioactive substances are absorbed into the tissues that make too much of the hormone epinephrine. In this scan, any area that absorbs the radioactive substance can be seen.