How to Reduce Cholesterol Through Diet?

Eat Your Way to a Healthier Heart Focus on what you eat!

  • Cut back on bad fats: Limit those found in meat, dairy, and processed foods. Good fats come from sources like nuts, olive oil, and fatty fish.
  • Lower your cholesterol: Eat less cholesterol-rich stuff like eggs and red meat. Foods like oatmeal, beans, and fruits can help lower it.
  • Load up on fruits and veggies: They’re packed with vitamins, fiber, and other good stuff.
  • Choose whole grains: These help lower bad cholesterol. Think brown rice, whole wheat bread, and oatmeal.
  • Eat more fish: Fatty fish like salmon are great for your heart.
  • Watch that salt: Too much salt can raise blood pressure.
  • Limit alcohol: Drinking too much is bad for your heart.

Remember, small changes can make a big difference! Talk to your doctor about what’s best for you.