What Are the Important Eye Care Tips to Follow?

The important eye care tips that need to be followed everyday are,

  • Protecting Eyes - Sunglasses of 100% UV protection protects eyes from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet radiation. Protective eyewears also provide a different type of protection by acting as a physical barrier between eyes and physical objects.
  • Staying Active - Exercising and moving the body for the whole day can provide benefits to the eyes and the rest of the body too. Ongoing research shows a positive relationship between exercise and a lower risk of developing eye health issues such as cataracts, glaucoma and macular degeneration.
  • Eating Healthy Foods - Proper nutrition intake plays a key role in eye care. Consuming plenty of nutrients such as omega 3 fatty acids, bioflavonoids, vitamin A, C, D and E reduces the risk of developing eye related health issues and keeps vision sharp.
  • Quitting Smoking - Smoking can damage eyes in more ways. Smokers have a risk of developing dry eyes and other sight threatening conditions such as cataracts, macular degeneration, uveitis and retinopathy.
  • Reducing Screen Time - Spending long hours in front of a digital screen can cause eye strain and dry eyes. In children, having too much screen time and not enough sunlight increases the risk of developing high myopia in later life.
  • Staying Hydrated - Drinking enough water throughout the day keeps eyes lubricated with tears. Having a healthy tear film results in more comfortable eyes and less eye strain.
  • Taking Care of Contact Lenses - Misusing contact lenses leads to side effects and infections. If a person wears contact lenses, he or she should follow the guidelines provided by the lens manufacturer to prevent developing unnecessary side effects.
  • Managing Whole Body Conditions - Systemic diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure can result in causing serious eye problems when they are not properly managed. Managing a healthy lifestyle with a long term health issue can reduce the chances of developing one of these problems.
  • Scheduling an Eye Examination - Eye doctors play an important role in maintaining the well being of our eyes and vision. Regular eye examinations allow them to spot unusual signs as early as possible.