What Are the Symptoms of Celiac Disease?

The symptoms of celiac disease can vary widely from person to person and can affect different parts of the body. Common symptoms include:

  • Digestive Symptoms: These may include diarrhea, bloating, gas, abdominal pain, and constipation. Some individuals may also experience nausea and vomiting.
  • Nutrient Deficiencies: Due to malabsorption, individuals with celiac disease may develop deficiencies in iron, calcium, vitamin D, and other essential nutrients, leading to conditions such as anemia, osteoporosis, and fatigue.
  • Skin Rash: A condition known as dermatitis herpetiformis, characterized by a blistering, itchy skin rash, is often associated with celiac disease.
  • Weight Loss: Unintentional weight loss may occur due to the body’s inability to properly absorb nutrients.
  • Neurological Symptoms: Some individuals may experience headaches, depression, anxiety, or peripheral neuropathy (tingling or numbness in the hands and feet).
  • Delayed Growth: In children, celiac disease can lead to delayed growth, short stature, and delayed puberty. Celiac disease is sometimes asymptomatic, meaning some individuals may not exhibit obvious symptoms despite having intestinal damage.