What Are the Symptoms of Crohn's Disease?

Symptoms can vary depending on where and how severe the inflammation is, but common ones include:

  • Abdominal Pain: Usually crampy, often felt in the lower right side of the abdomen.
  • Diarrhea: Frequent, loose, and sometimes bloody stools.
  • Weight Loss and Malnutrition: Inflammation can make it hard to absorb nutrients, leading to weight loss and deficiencies.
  • Fatigue: Chronic inflammation and nutrient shortages often cause tiredness.
  • Fever: Low-grade fevers might pop up during flare-ups.
  • Mouth Sores: Ulcers can show up in your mouth.
  • Anal Fissures or Abscesses: Painful cracks or infections near the anus.

These symptoms can be mild or severe and might come and go, with periods of remission and flare-ups.