What Are the Treatment Options for Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML)?

Treatment for CML aims to control the disease and maintain long-term remission. Options include:

  • Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors (TKIs): Drugs like imatinib, dasatinib, and nilotinib that specifically target the abnormal protein produced by the Philadelphia chromosome.
  • Chemotherapy: Using drugs to kill rapidly dividing cancer cells, often used if CML progresses to a more advanced phase.
  • Stem Cell Transplant: Replacing diseased bone marrow with healthy marrow from a donor, considered in cases where TKIs are ineffective or for patients in blast crisis.
  • Interferon Therapy: Boosting the immune system to fight leukemia cells, though less commonly used now due to the effectiveness of TKIs.
  • Clinical Trials: Investigating new treatments and drug combinations to improve outcomes for CML patients.