What Is Thalassemia?

Thalassemia is a blood condition that makes it tough for the body to produce enough healthy red blood cells, causing tiredness, weakness, and pale skin. Sometimes, it can even lead to bone problems.

Thalassemia is a blood sickness where one’s body can’t make enough hemoglobin. It can make the affected person feel tired and weak all the time, and they might need lots of blood transfusions or other treatments like a bone marrow transplant. Doctors can help the affected people feel better with proper treatment and routine follow-up.

Thalassemia is a kind of anemia. It specifically falls under the category of inherited blood disorders that affect the production of hemoglobin, which is the protein in red blood cells responsible for carrying oxygen throughout the body.

In individuals with thalassemia, the body produces either fewer than normal red blood cells or hemoglobin that doesn’t function properly. This leads to anemia because the blood doesn’t carry enough oxygen to the body’s tissues and organs, resulting in symptoms like fatigue, weakness, and potential complications due to insufficient oxygen delivery.