What Is the Treatment for Rickets?

As most cases of rickets are caused due to vitamin D and calcium deficiency, it is usually treated by increasing the child’s intake of vitamin D and calcium. Vitamin D and calcium can be increased by eating foods rich in calcium and vitamin D and taking vitamin D and calcium supplements daily. Sunlight also helps our body to make some vitamin D. It is advisable to increase the amount of time the child spends outside under sunlight having safe exposure. The general practitioner will also advise on how much vitamin D and calcium a child needs to take depending on the age and cause of the rickets.

When rickets occurs as a complication of another medical condition, treating the underlying condition will cure the rickets. If a child has a bone deformity caused by rickets, such as bowed legs, or curvature of spine, the general practitioner may suggest treatment to correct it, probably surgery. A combination of phosphate supplements and a special form of vitamin D is recommended for treating hypophosphatemic rickets, in which genetic defects cause abnormalities in the kidneys and bones. Children having other types of genetic rickets need very large amounts of a special type of vitamin D treatment.