Who Does Eye Examinations?

Optometrists usually do this test. But ophthalmologists can also do this. These tests are usually painless and do not take much time to complete. In few cases, basic eye examination can catch a disease early before it harms the eye sight. Glaucoma slowly causes vision loss but it progresses for a long time without any symptoms. If a doctor notices high eye pressure, they need to monitor the patient or refer them to an ophthalmologist for more tests.

Since glaucoma is often managed when it is diagnosed, a simple eye exam helps to prevent several years of permanent vision damage. Preparing for exams ahead of time gives doctors a general idea of what to look for and which questions to ask in personal eye care. It is necessary to keep in mind that an eye exam and a vision screening are not the same thing. A comprehensive eye exam checks eyesight and eye health, but vision screening only examines eyesight.